The Dangers of Binge Drinking Health Encyclopedia University of Rochester Medical Center

You may begin to binge drink more often, the days you abstain between sessions becoming fewer. Alcohol abuse can affect brain structure development, so people who start binge drinking as teens or young adults may experience issues with learning and concentrating. When you hear the term “binge drinking,” you might picture wild high school or college parties.

How does binge drinking affect a person’s mental health 2 points?

The chemical changes in your brain can soon lead to more negative feelings, such as anger, depression or anxiety, regardless of your mood. Alcohol also slows down how your brain processes information, making it harder to work out what you're really feeling and the possible consequences of your actions.

If a person who has been drinking a lot is confused, vomits, has a seizure, has pale skin, or passes out, it may be a sign of alcohol poisoning. Binge drinking can increase your blood pressure after just one occurrence. However, ongoing or repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term increases in your blood pressure. Therefore, after a night of binge drinking, most of them will resolve on their own. However, recurring episodes of binge drinking are likely to lead to long-term health problems, including long-term liver damage and disease. Additionally, research shows that long-term problematic drinking increases one’s risk for several cancers5, including those of the mouth, colon, and liver.

The Definition of Binge Drinking

But the gender gap in alcohol consumption and binge drinking has been rapidly closing over the last 10 years. College aged females are more vulnerable to the negative consequences of binge drinking. Among college students, rates are highest among individuals of Caucasian descent, followed by Native Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Asians, and African-Americans. Students involved in sorority and fraternity groups report higher percentages of binge drinking. Outside of college campuses, people found in lower socio-economic statuses are more likely to participate in this kind of over drinking. While several rat studies indicate that alcohol is more toxic during adolescence than adulthood, some researchers believe that it remains unclear whether this is also the case in humans.

what are 2 harmful effects of binge drinking

Memory loss or fragmented memories of the previous night might leave you feeling uneasy or worried about your health. You might start the night with the intention of drinking one or two beers. An hour or two later, you’re more intoxicated than you wanted to be. Adolescent alcohol exposure persistently impacts adult neurobiology and behavior. Effect of alcohol after muscle-damaging resistance exercise on muscular performance recovery and inflammatory capacity in women. Prentice C, Stannard SR, Barnes MJ. Effects of heavy episodic drinking on physical performance in club level rugby union players.

Binge Drinking: The Beginning of a Problem

Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency, and immediate medical attention is needed. Prompt medical care may be able to reverse some of the damage done by binge drinking. Binge drinking regularly can lead binge drinking effects to heavy drinking which is eight or more drinks a week for a woman, and 15 or more drinks in a week for a man, theCDC reports. Chronic episodes of heavy drinking may lead to a dependence on alcohol.

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